cuentame un poco sobre Es tan fácil delicioso y nutritivo que lo cocino 3 veces a la semana
Prepara un delicioso y reconfortante plato de garbanzos con pollo en casa con esta fácil receta. En este vídeo, te mostraremos paso a paso cómo hacer un plato nutritivo y sabroso que es perfecto para una cena rápida y saludable en cualquier época del año.
Comenzaremos por preparar los ingredientes clave: los garbanzos, el pollo, las verduras frescas y las especias aromáticas. Luego, te enseñaremos cómo cocinar todo junto en una olla para crear un guiso espeso y abundante lleno de sabor.
Esta receta de garbanzos con pollo es una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan una comida abundante y saludable, ya que está repleta de proteínas y fibra. Además, es una excelente manera de incorporar más legumbres y verduras a tu dieta diaria.
En este vídeo, también te daremos algunos consejos útiles sobre cómo personalizar la receta para adaptarla a tus preferencias personales, como agregar más especias o ajustar la cantidad de líquido para lograr la consistencia deseada.
¡Prepara tus utensilios de cocina y disfruta de una deliciosa comida con este vídeo de garbanzos con pollo en YouTube! Asegúrate de seguirnos para obtener más ideas de recetas saludables y sabrosas para toda la familia.
INGREDIENTES para 4 personas:
– 250g de garbanzos
– 4 muslos de pollo
– 1 pimiento rojo
– 1 pimiento verde
– 1 cebolla
– 2 dientes de ajo
– 250g de tomate triturado
– 1 cucharada de pimentón dulce o paprika
– 1 hoja de laurel
– Sal y pimienta
– Aceite
Receta escrita:
-Mi primer libro:
-Mi segundo libro:
#gorkabarredo #recetas #pollo
receta de Es tan fácil delicioso y nutritivo que lo cocino 3 veces a la semana
In a casserole, add a drizzle of oil and heat it over high heat. When it is hot, add some chicken legs that if you prefer, you could replace it with some breasts without any problem. In both cases we are going to do the same
Seal the chicken over very high heat on all its faces , turning it over after a couple of minutes and thus toasting all the faces of the chicken , giving it that rich touch, on the outside but, yes, keeping it raw on the inside
. After a few minutes, we can remove the chicken from the casserole to reserve it for later and remember that you can also do it with breasts or chicken legs already boned. I prefer to put them with the bone, now because the bone will also give it flavor
And at the end we bone it when they are done For now we save the chicken and in this same casserole we put some chickpeas that are previously soaked. And how to do it? I’ll explain it to you briefly The night before, in a small casserole, we put the chickpeas.
The best way to measure them is to put a handful of chickpeas per person, with this you can’t go wrong. Then we cover them with plenty of water. During the night, these chickpeas will absorb good part of this water and they will grow a lot The next day, all this will have grown
And without further delay, at this point, we can proceed to add them to the casserole right where we had left them before To these chickpeas, we are going to add them as well a bay leaf that will flavor them, which is delicious
Cover with more water, which will continue to absorb a lot more during cooking. Cover with a very low heat and let them cook for an hour for now They can also be done in an express pot of course and we reduce the times by more than half
At the end of the video, I explain how to do it and go out if you have noticed it does not take better to add it at the end of everything for now, come on We are going to prepare the companion for our chickpeas
In another casserole, we put another drizzle of oil and heat over medium heat. When it is hot, we add some vegetables and vegetables, to taste some chopped garlic cloves an onion a red pepper and another green pepper these last three ingredients chopped but in larger pieces
That have bite after we find them in the stew To all this we add its pinch of salt and its pinch of freshly ground black pepper We stir and let everything cook for about 10 minutes The vegetables here will reduce during cooking
So all the more reason to add them in not too small pieces After those 10 minutes, we are going to add here a tablespoon of paprika or paprika This ingredient will give it a flavor that will be remembered even more to the meat, delicious!
Add it and, without ceasing to stir, let it roast for a matter of 10 seconds and immediately afterwards, and without further delay, add crushed tomato. This tomato will reduce the temperature of the sauce, preventing the paprika from burning.
We add it to the rest of the ingredients. and we let it cook for another 10 minutes so that the water it contains evaporates and it also roasts like the rest of the ingredients. Well, now we have the chickpeas half cooked, pay attention to this.
An hour has passed since we started cooking them, we uncover the casserole where they are cooking and right here, we add the chicken that we had sealed at the beginning the idea that both the chicken and the chickpeas finish cooking at the same time
The chicken has a much shorter time than the chickpea This has around 30 or 45 left minutes of cooking The same approximate time that the chicken thighs have So we add them here we cover again and let the whole thing finish cooking for co Complete and at this point with the sauce finished
And the chickpeas and chicken also cooked We are going to add the chickpeas together with their cooking water that is full of flavor, inside the casserole of the sauce And the chicken, I have boned it
In order not to make the video longer, I have done it off camera, when it is cooked, the meat comes out of the bone on its own, we also add it to the sauce and to the chickpeas we are going to add a pinch of salt to rectify it, since
Salt goes better when cooked. final and finally we mix while we heat over medium heat. We let the whole thing cook for just 5 more minutes so that there is an exchange of flavors between the sauce and the chickpeas and… voilà! Ready Some chickpeas with chicken are easy, simple, very homely and warm.
Some chickpeas with chicken that are… Pure Ambrosia!