cuentame un poco sobre ► COMO Hacer TAMALES DE POLLO en Salsa Verde con VERDURAS
TAMALES DE POLLO Verdes Ingredientes 0:04 Pechuga de Pollo *1 Pechuga por cada 50 tamales 0:09 8 Tomates Fresadilla 0:16 Chicharos y Zanahoria * 2 Latas 0:20 Hojas de Laurel 0:23 10 Chiles Cascabel 0:26 5 Chiles Ancho 0:30 4 dientes de Ajo 0:33 2 Cucharitas de Comino 0:35 Sal al gusto 0:37 2 kilos de Masa para Tamal 0:39 1 Taza de Harina 0:41 1/4 de Manteca de Puerco *por cada kilo de masa 0:47 PREPARACIÓN DEL POLLO 0:48 Hervir el pollo 2:48 Desmenuzar el pollo 1:10 PREPARACIÓN DEL CHILE ROJO 3:01 PREPARACIÓN DE LA SALSA VERDE PARA EL POLLO 3:03 Hervir el Tomate Fresadilla *Aproximadamente 10 minutos 3:17 Licuar el Tomate fresadilla 3:33 PREPARACIÓN DEL GUISO DE POLLO PARA LOS TAMALES 4:08 PREPARACIÓN DE LA MASA DE TAMAL 4:50 Amasar * la masa 5:16 Remojar las Hojas de Tamal 5:21 Embarr las Hojas de Tamal y relleno ► Ver mas recetas rapidas AQUI ➔ ► RECETA de los TAMALES de FRIJOLES con Chile Rojo ► Las COMIDAS mas EXTRAÑAS del MUNDO ► RECETA de la CARNE ASADA con el corte PORTERHOUSE ► RECETA del GUACAMOLE ► RECETA de la SALSA BORRACHA ► RECETA del AGUA de JAMAICA ► RECETA del JUGO VERDE para BAJAR el COLESTEROL ► RECETA del TEPACHE con PILONCILLO ► HOT DOGS Caseros con TOCINO, QUESO y Champiñones ► HOT DOGS Caseros MEXICANOS ► TRABAJO en RESTAURANTES #tamales # comidamexicana #tamalesverdes
receta de ► COMO Hacer TAMALES DE POLLO en Salsa Verde con VERDURAS
Ingredients Chicken Breast 1 Breast for every 50 tamales Strawberry Tomato 8 Strawberry tomatoes previously washed and disinfected Peas and Carrot 2 cans of peas and carrot mix Bay Leaves 6 Bay leaves Cascabel Chile 10 pieces of cascabel chili Ancho Chile 5 pieces of chili Ancho Garlic 4 Cloves of Garlic Cumin
2 teaspoons of cumin Salt Salt to taste Dough for Tamale 2 Kilos Flour 1 Cup of Flour Lard 1/4 of Lard per 1 kilo of dough Fill the pot with hot water to start boiling the breast of chicken add the bay leaves cover the pot and boil for 20 minutes
Preparation of the Red Chile peel the garlic cloves cut the ancho chili and rattlesnake very important remove the seeds in a pot boil the ancho chili and rattle the consistency should be smooth we add the garlic and water until it is covered Blend Strain Subscribe to our channel URBAN COOKS
Shred the chicken breasts Preparation of the Green Sauce Boil Strawberry Tomato until smooth, approximately 10 minutes , blend First add the green sauce to the pan Then add the chicken and finally the peas and carrot Mix over low heat for 5 minutes Preparation of the Dough Heat the lard until melted
, spread the dough tamale in a large refractory we add the flour covering the whole or length make a groove in the center and add the lard finally add the red chili Season with salt to Knead! (mold the dough) the consistency of the dough should be smooth
Before smearing (the tamales) soak the tamale leaves Take the tamale leaf in the palm of your hand and spread the dough with a spoon, covering the widest side of the leaf Add the chicken and wrap Add the water to the steamer under the grid
Place the tamales in this way with the closed end out and let steam cook for 1 hour 20 minutes thanks URBAN COOKS Subscribe to our channel for more recipes